Utkal Builders

2024 Housing Debate: Why Buying Could Trump Renting

The age-old question of renting versus buying a home continues to spark heated discussions. In 2024, with an ever-changing market, it’s more important than ever to weigh the pros and cons. While renting offers flexibility, there are compelling reasons why purchasing a home might be the smarter long-term decision. As we step into 2024, the debate between renting and owning a home continues to be a critical decision for many. However, this year presents unique advantages for those considering the shift from rent to homeownership. Here are compelling reasons why buying a home is a more strategic move than staying in rent, along with examples from different cities in India.   Why Homeownership is a Smarter Choice Over Renting: Insights from Major Indian Cities Owning a home offers numerous advantages over renting, making it a wise decision for long-term financial stability and personal comfort. Homeownership builds equity over time, as each mortgage payment contributes to a valuable financial asset, unlike renting where monthly payments offer no long-term returns. In cities like Bangalore and Hyderabad, property values have consistently appreciated, providing homeowners with substantial gains. The trend of property value appreciation is evident in metropolitan areas such as Mumbai and Delhi NCR, where investing in real estate has led to significant capital gains over the past decade. Homeowners in India also benefit from various tax advantages on home loans, such as deductions on interest payments and principal repayment, reducing the overall cost of homeownership. In Chennai, these tax benefits help manage the financial burden, making buying a home more affordable. Moreover, owning a home provides stability and control, free from rent hikes and landlord restrictions, which is particularly valued by young professionals and families in Pune. The freedom to renovate and personalize living spaces, as seen in Ahmedabad, enhances the living experience and adds value to properties. Similarly, in Bhubaneswar, the real estate market is growing, offering opportunities for investment and homeownership that align with these benefits, making it an appealing choice for those looking to secure their financial future and create a stable, personalized living environment.
Is Now the Right Time to Buy a Home in 2024?
In Tier II and III cities, the demand for residential and commercial real estate is expected to continue rising quickly due to population expansion. The big cities have limited space, thus properties in these areas will see an increase in rental income over time. This area is seeing the development of numerous large residential developments, including independent homes, villas, and apartment buildings. Furthermore, the growing popularity of work-from-home or hybrid working environments in 2024 has resulted in a demand for greater living quarters. By 2024, it is anticipated that the stock of organized retail real estate will have grown by 28% to 82 million square feet. Beyond the financial benefits of a growing market and appreciation, Buying a flat in Bangalore instead of renting offers a well-rounded lifestyle. From convenient locations near IT hubs and security features for peace of mind to a strong sense of community and world-class amenities, owning your own space fosters stability, personalization, and an improved quality of life in India’s IT capital.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a drift in home demand, and this momentum is likely to continue positively in the upcoming year. Although rising interest rates in the coming year might make owning more costly, increasing costs for recently acquired homes make it a reliable investment for many.
From Rent to Own: Strategic Homeownership in 2024
In Tier II and III cities, the demand for residential and commercial real estate is expected to continue rising quickly due to population expansion. The big cities have limited space, thus properties in these areas will see an increase in rental income over time. This area is seeing the development of numerous large residential developments, including independent homes, villas, and apartment buildings. Furthermore, the growing popularity of work-from-home or hybrid working environments in 2024 has resulted in a demand for greater living quarters. By 2024, it is anticipated that the stock of organized retail real estate will have grown by 28% to 82 million square feet. Beyond the financial benefits of a growing market and appreciation, Buying a flat in Bangalore instead of renting offers a well-rounded lifestyle. From convenient locations near IT hubs and security features for peace of mind to a strong sense of community and world-class amenities, owning your own space fosters stability, personalization, and an improved quality of life in India’s IT capital.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a drift in home demand, and this momentum is likely to continue positively in the upcoming year. Although rising interest rates in the coming year might make owning more costly, increasing costs for recently acquired homes make it a reliable investment for many.



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