In our journey of over 3 decades, we have crossed several milestones, built several benchmarks. We have extended our footsteps and our renown along with it. And in our humble journey we have received the admiration of our beloved customers and patrons. Adding feathers to our cap, we keep rising & these recognitions stand as a testament to our commitment to excellence and innovation.
Proud recipient of the Earth Again Movement (2024) for Utkal Builders Pvt. Ltd.
Proud recipient of the Times Business Awards (2024) given for The Most Trusted Developer of the Year" to Utkal Builders.
Proud recipient of the Legendary Business Entrepreneur To Mr. Sharad Baid for Utkal Utkal Builders.
Proud recipient of the Legendary Business Entrepreneur To Mr. Subhash Bhura for Utkal Utkal Builders.
Proud recipient of the Best Retail Project Award of Eastern India to Utkal Kanika Galleria at 14th CNBC awaaz Real Estate awards.
Proud recipient of the Best Residential Project (Mid-Segment) Award of Eastern India to Utkal Greenex at 14th CNBC awaaz Real Estate awards
Proud receipient of prestigious ET Industry Leaders East 2023 Award for The Most Trusted, Reliable & Innovative Realestate Brand of Eastern India.
Proud recipient of the Times Business Awards (2022) given for The Most Trusted Developer of the Year" to Utkal Builders.
Proud recipient of the Business Eminence Awards(2021) given to Managing Director of Utkal Builders. Sharad Baid
Proud recipient of the Odisha Business Awards(2017) given for " The Best Developer of the Year" to Utkal Builders.
Proud recipient of the CRISIL 5 Star Rating (2014) for Utkal Heights of Utkal Realtors Pvt. Ltd.
Proud recipient of the Earth Again Movement (2024) for Utkal Builders Pvt. Ltd.
Proud recipient of the Times Business Awards (2024) given for The Most Trusted Developer of the Year" to Utkal Builders.
Proud recipient of the Legendary Business Entrepreneur To Mr. Sharad Baid for Utkal Utkal Builders.
Proud recipient of the Legendary Business Entrepreneur To Mr. Subhash Bhura for Utkal Utkal Builders.
Proud recipient of the Best Retail Project Award of Eastern India to Utkal Kanika Galleria at 14th CNBC awaaz Real Estate awards
Proud recipient of the Best Residential Project (Mid-Segment) Award of Eastern India to Utkal Greenex at 14th CNBC awaaz Real Estate awards
Proud receipient of prestigious ET Industry Leaders East 2023 Award for The Most Trusted, Reliable & Innovative Realestate Brand of Eastern India.
Proud recipient of the Times Business Awards (2022) given for The Most Trusted Developer of the Year" to Utkal Builders.
Proud recipient of the Business Eminence Awards(2021) given to Managing Director of Utkal Builders. Sharad Baid
Proud recipient of the Odisha Business Awards(2017) given for " The Best Developer of the Year" to Utkal Builders.
All project information and details displayed on the site, including but not limited to the information and details contained in project related materials that you may download are for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer under any law for the time being in force. The Company shall not be liable to you for any decisions you may take as a result of or on the basis of such information and encourages you to contact the Company directly for up-to-date and accurate information.
Mr Rakesh Bhura holds the MBA degree from the Leeds University,UK. The youngest and the most dynamic among the directors he plays an important role in planning and execution at the site. He is actively involved in site execution,purchases & manpower management. He has his own innovative approach towards the projects and all his endeavours have been successful. Mr Bhura is the young promising face of Utkal Builders.
Anchors the sourcing function at Utkal. He is credited with deriving the best value from our sourcing partners – contractors and vendors of material inputs. Recently, he has taken additional responsibility of the marketing function. However, complicated and large his tasks, his energy and positive attitude make them all possible! And somewhere in the middle, he also finds time to pursue sports and instruct his disciples on yoga.
Is an MBA from University of Strathclyde, Scotland, specializing in marketing and is currently gaining exposure of the unique customer nuances of the varied markets. he is also involved in streamlining the finances of the group.
Patriarch of the family & Chairman of the Group endorses chosen principles and values which Utkal follows. With his distinguished business and social credentials, he has led and safe-guarded the treasured Utkal culture. A born entrepreneur, he initiated with humble beginnings. But his zeal, sheer grit and robust ethics steered him through the times to continuing trust and success. Of course, after four decades of a distinguished business career and leadership of a diversified business group, his enthusiasm remains fresh as ever.
Is an MBA from prestigious IMT, Ghaziabad specialising in Finance and a CFA from ICFAI. He is driving innovation and technology in the group’s operations. He is also actively involved in the group’s marketing plans.
Mr. Sharad Baid is the Managing Director of Utkal Builders & has earned his Masters in Business administration from Bond University, Australia. He specialises in Finance and Information systems.By spearheading new initiatives in Utkal Builders, Mr. Baid has enhanced the framework for strategic planning and project development. In addition, he plays a crucial role in the corporate branding & project marketing of the Group.
The visionary with a mission and an opportunity – guru, his insights are the engines of innovation and new businesses. His passion for opportunities is only matched with his perseverance to bring them to life. He has been the torch-bearer and the agent of evolution at the group. He has also served as the president of CREDAI, Odisha (2010-11).
Mr Rakesh Bhura holds the MBA degree from the Leeds University,UK. The youngest and the most dynamic among the directors he plays an important role in planning and execution at the site. He is actively involved in site execution,purchases & manpower management. He has his own innovative approach towards the projects and all his endeavours have been successful. Mr Bhura is the young promising face of Utkal Builders.
All project information and details displayed on the site, including but not limited to the information and details contained in project related materials that you may download are for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer under any law for the time being in force. The Company shall not be liable to you for any decisions you may take as a result of or on the basis of such information and encourages you to contact the Company directly for up-to-date and accurate information.